Archive for the ‘New Hampshire’ Category

New Hampshire

Monday, July 12th, 2010

Click for Portsmouth, New Hampshire Forecast

We’ve been without internet, so please excuse the update delays.

Immediately after crossing into New Hampshire from Massachusetts, you’ll find the state run liquor store taking advantage of their lower prices.  There was a liquor plaza on the southbound side of I95.  We stopped to check it out.  The parking lot was full and even tour buses made the stop.


As we worked our way toward Maine, we enjoyed the sights of New Hampshire.

The day was cool and rain threatened.  It was Thursday morning and we came across something that we have never seen, a club dedicated to the sport of croquet.  We couldn’t resist swinging back to snap some pictures. (click on photo to enlarge.)


All of the members were dressed in white.  They had a club house and a nice playing field with gazebo.

We opted to follow New Hampshire’s relatively short coastline on our route north.  The route was dotted with picturesque towns.


Coming from Texas, we  were fascinated by the beach dress.  Literally, we saw beach loads of fully clad people. Not very many sun worshipers here.


Small harbors moored a variety of fishing and pleasure boats.


We spotted a house that was decorated with a wide assortment of buoys.


And nearby, we found what might be our kind of place.  A row of chairs set up perfectly for happy hour.


We’ll be sure to spend more time in New Hampshire on future visits.