Rest Stop News (Texas and Missouri)

 Not all states are created equally.


Several months ago we wrote about the new Texas rest areas in “Out of the Dark Ages“.    The specific rest area was southbound in Bell County, Texas.  On the Northbound Bell County rest area we noticed even more.


The landscaping is nicely done.


There was even an workout area for drivers to enjoy.


A little closer view.


In Walker County the rest area is in the East Texas forest.


This one has its own lake out back.


With walking trail and pavilion.


We’ve found these rest stops to be quite interesting.  So far, it looks like Texas is doing a good job revitalizing their “Safety Rest Areas”.


Now, Missouri is a different story.  We stopped at a rest area on Interstate 44, eastbound, about 80 miles west of St. Louis.  They had your standard restroom near the top of a hill.  Apparently when the laws changed requiring easier access to facilities for handicapped people, they came up with a novel solution. Near the parking lot we found a uni-sex “outhouse”.  Here we had two locking stalls with toilets over a pit in the ground.  I will say that they were extremely clean and were pleasantly deodorized.


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