The Road to a Heart Attack

Click for Weslaco, Texas Forecast

My cardiologist said to me, “Do you remember what you did to build up the plaque in your system?”  Following my affirmative response, he added, “Well, stop it.”

So, the week following my procedure and with out of town guests here wanting to dine out, we visited many of the wonderful contributors to my heart issues.

In Mission, Texas, we stopped at Pepe’s on the River to watch our friend Ruthi perform.


Pepe’s has some outstanding nachos.  It takes at least two people to tackle a piling order of this dish. We enjoyed an afternoon of dancing.


My favorite restaurant south of the border is Angel’s in Progreso.  They have the best salsa I’ve ever had.  The place was teaming with senior citizens. Imagine that.


Then it was off to South Padre Island and lunch at our favorite restaurant on the island, Daddy’s.   The dish called the Cowboy Joe’s is absolutely wonderful. It is a ribeye with a shrimp, spinach and 3-cheese sauce.

We also visited two fine Mexican restaurants, Costa Messa Restaurant in McAllen.  I’m not crazy about chipolte anything, but their chipolte salsa is great.  The second restaurant is Casa Del Tacos in Weslaco.  It isn’t just a house of tacos.  You’ll find a wide menu that includes homemade soups and good steaks.

Finally, we went to Donna, TX to visit Gonzales Burgers.  This place doesn’t even have a sign except the one that says “OPEN”.  You need to get there early.  People start lining up at about 10:30 AM.  Even if you are first in line, you may wait about 30 minutes for your order.  The burgers are enormous.


You can see the huge patties.  The burgers fill the over sized buns.


If that won’t clog your arteries, nothing will.

Ok, my Nutrisystems food just arrived.  Now I can work toward better health.

4 Responses to “The Road to a Heart Attack”

  1. Donna says:

    Oh boy!!! Here you are posting way too much goodness… I know we too need to change some of our eating habits or at least limit them to occasionally… What a hard thing to do right? Have fun… and enjoy your new diet!!!
    Travel Safe

  2. Rick and Tinka says:

    Nutrisystemss is easy as you just pick out a packet and eat it. Then add some vegs and fruits. Not much cooking. I am just cutting way down and eating just a little chicken or fish and lots of vegs and fruits.

  3. Rick and Tinka says:

    To my sister
    Now you know why I am not doing well on my diet also.

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