Even though the Canadian growing season, here in Kelowna, is much shorter than we are used to, they can really develop some great floral displays. This row of flowering trees are actually hanging baskets of petunias.
And a beautiful wagon full of more petunias.
We planned to stop and see how they did the hanging baskets, but, they were already closed for the season. The sign says that they will reopen in March.
Most people are used to seeing grape vines being grown in structured rows, as shown in the last blog entry. I guess they figured that they could apply the same technique to apples. This technique assures that the sun will hit all apples for a more uniform color.
It has been a nice visit to the north-land to see my mother and sister. Now I can look forward to the 18 hours of planes and airports en route to South Texas.
Beautiful write-up. I should sell it to the Tourist Bureau!
Please note that it is 81 degrees here today.
Your visit was fantastic and fun. Enjoy the extended summer in South Texas.