Crowder, OK – Lake Eufaula

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A day of crossing state lines.  We started in Louisiana then went to Arkansas, Texas and finally Oklahoma.


The transition from Louisiana through Arkansas and into Texas took about 10 minutes around the Texarkana area.

Our final destination was Crowder Point Family Campground on Lake Eufaula.

The exit off of US69 onto Rock Creek Road is easy to find.   The problem lies in finding the park.  The sign for camping points in both directions.  We called and were told to head east.  It turns out that the name of the place is clearly marked on the gate, but you can’t see it when the gate is opened.

We had made our reservations online at their website. Check in went smoothly.  Our campsite is right on the shore with 50 AMP electric and water.  Unfortunately there is no sewer hookup this close to the water. But the trade-off is that we are situated on one of the many branches of the lake and have this view out our rear window.  (CLICK PHOTO TO ENLARGE)


One warning, the water pressure is extreme.  I gauged the pressure spiking at over 200 PSI and sustained at 140 PSI.  It was enough to kill our pressure regulator, which quit letting water pass.

We spent our one full day at Lake Eufaula just driving around and exploring the nearby towns.  If we were going to be in the area much longer we would certainly want to tour the lake by boat.

We were impressed with the old town of  Eufaula, OK.  Apparently there was a town in place as early as 1800.  Here is a picture of an old 1935 armory that is still being used by the city.


With a close look at the building it doesn’t look like the place was overrun by qualified masons.


Everything is not as it seems.  From a distance this bank is a wonderful landmark.  A closer look and you find that it is now a jewelry store.


A few miles north of Eufaula we drove into the town of  Checotah, OK, the hometown of American Idol winner Carrie Underwood.  The town is named after Samuel Checote, first elected Chief of the Creek Nation.  The town isn’t much more than a wide spot in the road.


And here is Carrie’s high school.


Lake Eufaula itself is the largest lake in Oklahoma, covering 102,000 acres with a shoreline exceeding 600 miles (1000 KM). The lake stretches for miles along the Canadian River.


Coves provide safe harbor for marinas.


We’re off to Kansas tomorrow.  Why? Because we need to add it to our map.

One Response to “Crowder, OK – Lake Eufaula”

  1. Well i am glad you liked Eufaula I have lived here my whole life and i never want to leave. There is so much to do here and i know since i work at a drug rehab facility we are always doing stuff with the students and the lake is so beautiful in the winter after a snow you should see it,

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