You may have been watching the news on television and notice that they have been having some huge waves along the California coast. Well, guess what? They’re here now.
This morning Tinka went to the beach and came across some surfers that were beside themselves about the waves. She talked to one of them and found out that they had just hopped a plane last night in California and headed here in anticipation of the large swells. The local surfers didn’t seem all that anxious about getting out in the huge waves.
Those little dots in the picture below are surfers.
Again, dots equal surfers.
Here’s a guy that, moments before, we were all cheering the terrific ride through the tube of the wave. Below is the result of the end of the ride. The other half of the board beat him to shore.
As these large waves hit the shore, they must eventually send the water back to sea. When a huge incoming wave collides with a large outgoing one, the sea errupts sending water some 30 to 50 feet in the air.
A tip regarding large waves. Pay attention or they may arrive by surprise. Here’s a before and after. Oh, by the way, make sure you’ve securely tied your top.
Now back to the original theme of this post.
Mexico is full of beaches, about 9000 miles of them. Most of the best are very built up with condos and hotels. However, there are some out of the way beaches that are quite intriguing. We’ve stopped at these two a couple of times.
The first is Dead Man’s Beach. so named because of the overlooking cemtery. Nice as they are, I’m not in a hurry for one of these ocean view acommodations.
Here’s a tomb’s view of the southern half of Dead Man’s Beach
And the northern half.
No, these people aren’t dead, just sleeping. On the weekends, Dead Man’s Beach is popular with the locals.
This guy is preparing to swim back to his boat that he has anchored in the bay.
Now we come to River Beach. It is named this because a river dumps right into the sea in the middle of the beach. It has the strangest beach access road I’ve ever seen. THE RIVER. We turned off of the road to Punta Mita, just south of Sayulita, onto one of the bumpiest roads we’ve found. (And believe me we’ve found some.) At some point, about a half mile from the highway the road merges with the river. This is looking down the “road”.
The bed of the river was mostly gravel and the condition was much better than the dirt road we just left. Oh, yes, we must have come at rush hour because there was traffic. (I apologize for the poor picture.)
The road dumps out into the ocean, literally.
Here we’re looking north from the “road”.
And to the south.
Now this is my kind of beach. The whole ocean pretty much to ourselves.
What a place to spend a birthday!! Hope it was an adventure.
Happy birthday, Tinka.