Virginia Location Change, Friday 7-13-2007

We are still in Virginia visiting Rick’s brother and his family.  His younger brother and family have returned to CT.  We stayed at a beautiful RV Park with lots of trees all around us.  The problem with that is we didn’t get any satellite TV and poor phone and wifi service.  So we moved the other day to another pretty place with trees, but they are not right near us.  We are closer to Rick’s brother’s house also.


We have been into Washington, DC on a tour.  We will put pictures about that tour here soon.  We are heading to Mt. Vernon today.

Just wanted to let you all know we are still alive and well and enjoying ourselves.

One Response to “Virginia Location Change, Friday 7-13-2007”

  1. Sister says:

    I have been exercising to the Chattahoochee song!! Hope you are still enjoying your travels. Rick looks energetic in the pic. By the way, we need to change our e-mail address to you. How do we do this?
    Hope to hear from you this week.

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