Planning a day trip to San Francisco Wed. 5-2-2007

Tomorrow we are taking the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) into San Francisco to see the sites.  So we were on the internet most of the day planning on what we were going to do in SF and how we were going to get there.  We are going on a 5 hour city tour.  Then later we can go back another day to do and see certain things that really interested us.

It was rainy and chilly most of the day.

2 Responses to “Planning a day trip to San Francisco Wed. 5-2-2007”

  1. Sister says:

    I think the weather got better for you trip. At least I hope so. Am interested in the things you saw on your bus tour that you want to go back to see. I’ve never been too intrigued by SF. Do you remember that I lived there one summer with Aunt Millie and went to SF State? The summer was a blur. I read all of Shakespeare and all World Literature–900 page novels about 6-8 of them…I was going to say that I don’t remember a thing, but actually I do remember 2 of the novels!!
    Have fun.

  2. Rick and Tinka says:

    Yes, I remember when you went to SF and stayed with Aunt Millie. Didn’t you go sailing in the SF Bay? Whose boat was it? I really like visiting SF. We will go back and see a few things that we didn’t see such as Pier 39 and ride a cable car.
    Your sister

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